A BIG thank you!

As always, we wanted to thank all of the volunteers, donors, and supporters for their efforts to make Pencils 4 Kids a success. Much was accomplished during our annual mission trip due to your generosity with your time and efforts. We could not do this without you!

As safety is top priority at Quickstep, we were able to enhance the perimeter fence ensuring their security. The playing field and steps were also completed and now the students can truly enjoy their athletic endeavors. 

We also worked hard to fix the drainage system to ensure a clean water supply for all the students and staff members.

The school itself got a face lift with a fresh coat of paint.  Volunteers, students, teachers and community members worked side by side to make Quickstep look as good as new.

We are looking forward to this coming year and mission trip. We hope to tackle some big projects. Stay tuned!